Thursday 14 February 2019

Boost Up Your Body With Proper Dosages of EQ 300

EQ or Equipoise is actually a strong anabolic substance, which had been invented to boost up the physical prowess of the horses. However, an alternative synthetic version of the same can perfectly boost up the human body with maximum muscle prowess. It would be better to take a look at the magical anabolic power of EQ, which will help the readers understand why this steroid is so much popular among the heavy bodybuilders.

The basic compound for EQ 300 is Boldenone Undecylenate. This is an injectable AAS. This is a prodrug of Boldenone, which actually creates a depot in the body for being attached to the undecylenate ester. The ester helps the hormone get released in the body slowly over a long period so that the body can engage lot more muscle mass over a prolonged period. This substance has comparatively longer half life spanning over 2 weeks. The basic compound Boldenone is actually a substrate for 5-alpha reductase and has the potential to convert into 1-testosterone that would promptly be shown or observed through its expression of bringing changes in the muscle tissues, lean muscles and skin, alongside the hair follicles and the prostate gland. It is actually a non-17-alpha alkylated variant of another anabolic substance Metandienone.

It is suggested that this steroid should be used by the heavy bodybuilders only. This is not a steroid that can be counted as compatible for the beginners. On the other hand, overuse of EQ 300 may initiate androgenic reactions due to aromatization. In order to prevent the aromatase effects, it will be better to consume the substance for muscle building only after consulting with the experts.

In fact, the experts will let the users know whether it will be better to stack other steroids with this one. This is a strong steroid and therefore, maintaining a proper steroid diet while administering EQ or Boldenone can be considered beneficial for the users.

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